When you want to lose weight, the concept of “fat-burning” often comes up. Many people confuse burning fat with losing calories. But then, how to burn fat and by what means to do it effectively? We give you its secrets! Physical activity, targeted exercises and understanding of the fat-burning concept, nothing will escape you on this subject. You will see that a simple training of a few minutes can be enough with one or several simple and basic movements to be carried out for each foot, arm or leg or for your whole body.
Burning fat is simply losing weight through sports exercises that specifically target the areas of the body that contain bad fats, such as the stomach, arms and legs, including mainly the thighs, which are the area of the body that accumulates the most fat and vaporizes the creation of cellulite. Burning fat also means paying attention to your diet in order to limit the excess of calories and sugars ingested and to closely monitor your health. It is, therefore, necessary to create a routine of sports exercises, to be regular, and to have in parallel a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, to promote the gain of mass, muscle, and the loss of fat.
Fat burning exercises to lose weight are varied. The most effective ones fall into two categories: cardio exercises and muscle strengthening exercises, generally done in the form of sleeving sessions. The cardio and muscle exercises will work your heart and your breathing, it will require endurance over a certain distance and/or over a certain time. With the heart, breathing and muscular effort, the body will sweat, sweat will escape from your pores and this is how fat will be burned. The physical exercise itself will eliminate calories. It is the continuous effort that will push your body to eliminate all the bad toxins. Thus, the elimination of these toxins will have a fat-burning effect because they will break the fat that has settled since your last excess for example.
In order to make our advice more concrete concerning the fat-burning effect, here are the best cardio and muscle-strengthening exercises that we recommend.
You can do the plank every day: Lie on your stomach and place your forearms in front of you with your elbows in line with your shoulders. Make sure to raise your pelvis by contracting your abdominal muscles, then stand on the balls of your feet. Once in this position, hold it, being careful not to arch your back or round it.
Squats are recommended to firm up your thighs, tone them, and thus burn fat and erase cellulite present in your thighs and buttocks. You can practice it with or without weights.
Stand with your feet in line with your shoulders, your back straight, and stretch your arms out in front of you with your palms facing the floor. Let’s go! Bend your legs and reach back with your buttocks, always with your back straight and your feet anchored in the ground. The final position should form a 90° angle with your legs, so don’t go too low but don’t hesitate to bend your legs in squatting. Find your balance and the right balance for you! Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. You can now do sets of 10 to 12 repetitions with a 1-minute break between each set. Afterward, to make this exercise more dynamic, add a little bounce with your arms up and straight as you come back up from your squat.
This is a basic and simple but well-proven exercise. It is easily applicable and without equipment as a bonus! Here you will work your quadriceps 100%. Stand with your back against the wall, with your feet 30 cm from the wall. Take a deep breath and slide down the wall with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Your legs should form a 90° angle, as if you were sitting on a chair. Stay in this position for 30 to 45 seconds, then slowly come back up. You can increase the length of time you stay in the position as you go along, to 1, 2 or 3 minutes.
Other exercises are also very relevant to burning your fat effectively, such as push-ups, crunches or jumping jacks. Also opt for sessions with a progressive duration of cycling on roads and paths, or on the exercise bike.
It is common to think that the “fat-burning” effect is a quick way to lose weight, to slim down or to lose weight significantly. In order to burn fat, you must be assiduous in practicing physical activities and sports through the implementation of cardio and muscle strengthening exercises with or without equipment. Unfortunately, some people wrongly use “fat-burning” capsules for their health, as a complement, which are in no way a substitute for the practice of sport but which can help to regulate fat in the body in parallel with a healthy and balanced life that combines sport, diet and psychological well-being. The same is true of sweat belts and shorts, which have been invading the market in recent years, advocating a flat stomach and a shapely figure. These shorts and other belts should be used with care, in addition to cardio and muscle strengthening exercises. In addition, regular workouts will only produce results if you are regular and diligent.